<aside> 👉🏼 Click Duplicate to import this into your own Notion workspace. You can delete these instructions from there if you wish.


<aside> đź’ˇ The Conclusion is for wrapping everything up neatly:

<aside> 👉🏼 Below, you’ll find a space for you to remind yourself about where you’re taking the reader.


<aside> 👉🏼 Then you’ll have 5 options for different types of endings — you can pick one, or more, or mash several together. The idea of this is to help you figure out how to end your MicroBook, and stop you getting stuck.


Your Reader Journey

<aside> ❓ Pop a little recap in here — just a few words: where did your reader start out? Where do you want them to end up?



<aside> đź’« Have you read any books whose ending has left an impression on you? What was that book? What did the writer do? Can you take any of their elements and use them in your MicroBook?


1. The “Why Should We Care?” Ending

<aside> ⚡ Look at how your main message fits into the bigger picture of your reader’s life/business. This is particularly useful for “thinky” books, mindset shifts, and new ideas.


2. The “What’s Next?” Ending

<aside> ⚡ Now the reader has finished your MicroBook, what comes next for them? This is where you can help them see the next step. This is especially suited to how-to type books and self-help books, or business books.


3. The “Where Are They Now?” Ending